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Pearl Low
May 1, 20231 min read
Daai6 gaa1 hou2! Hou2 loi6 mou5 keng1! Hi everyone, long time no talk! It's MAY! Already! And this means it's also the first day of Asian...
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Pearl Low
Apr 12, 20232 min read
Canto Studying Confessions
So, what happens when you say you're going to start studying Cantonese... and then you don't? (Pictured: Hanping Cantonese Dictionary...
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Pearl Low
Feb 22, 20231 min read
Mui5 tong4 jan4 m4 hai6 jat1 jeong6! | Not Every Chinese Person is the Same!
This journal will be in Chinglish! Feel free to comment with any corrections or ways to more naturally say something so we can all...
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Pearl Low
Feb 14, 20233 min read
The Journey So Far: Reconnecting with Cantonese, and Chinese School
Perhaps I was an unconventional kid, in that, I begged my mother to send me to Chinese School. In my head at the time, I thought, "If no...
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